jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Finally arrives Beads Perles 7th Contest, this time dedicated to flowers.

Although this is the 7th Beads Perles Contest, really is the first one of a new era, and there are going to be some changes.

There is only one category: You have to create a handcrafted NECKLACE inspired by the world of flowers.

1 .- PARTICIPATION. To participate it is essential to have a web page and show your creations on it, it could be a web site (www), blog, gallery (flickr, deviantart, ...) or shop (etsy, artesanum, ...).

2 .- TERMS OF REGISTRATION. Registration period ends on 4th April, if you want to participate, simply send an email to beads.perles@gmail.com with the following data:

These data will be confidentially treated.

3 .- CREATION PERIOD. The creation period ends on 08 April 2011. It is compulsory to receive all participants’ photos before this date. Photos must be sent to our e-mail address (beads.perles@gmail.com). Any photo received after this date will be excluded from the contest.

4 .- SIGNATURE OF DESINGS' PICTURES. In no way pictures can include any logo, text, signature, avatar, etc, that may identify or make recognizable her/his creator.

5 .- VOTTING PERIOD. On April 11, 2011 all photos we will publish and the voting period will last for 4 days, until April 14 at 12 midnight.

6.- ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS. On April, 15th winners will be published.

7.- WHO MAY VOTE. Its only allowed one vote per person, and may only vote those artists who appear on our LIST OF ARTISTS, so if you plan to vote and you are not listed, send us an email with a link to your websites and after we review it, you will be included in the list.

8.- VOTING. Votes will be made through comments on your favourite photo. When you open the comments window, you need first to write the commentary to the photo and then you have to identify yourself, this requires a choice of 4 ways to identify and ONLY THE 3TH ONE IS VALID: NAME/URL.
You will have to fill two tables: your NICKNAME, that you use at your web pages, and your URL, by pasting the link to one of your websites.

9.- Participants are not allowed to display/show their contest pictures on any other website till the announcement of the winners. Nor will seek the vote in any web, either, Blogs, galleries, forums, etc... At the time that a participant fails to break this rule he or she will be immediately disqualified and get out from the contest.

10.- Each participant can send a maximum of 4 original handcrafted designs.

11.- AWARDS. There will be 3 Prizes for participants, all consist of BEADS PERLES Boutique Gift Certificates.

1st PRIZE: Gift Certificate of 75 euros

2nd PRIZE: Gift Certificate of 50 euros

3rd PRIZE: Gift Certificate of 25 euros

12 .- AWARDS FOR VOTERS. And, among all valid votes, 5 Gift Certificates of BEADS PERLES Boutique will be drawn for 10 euros each.
X 5

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