En sus páginas podemos admirar verdaderas maravillas bordadas con cuentas, muchos diseños free-form y algún diseño con soutache.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
Olga Vinnere Pettersson
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿País de nacimiento?
Letonia (antigua URSS)
¿País de residencia?
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Primavera 2008 - ensartado simple, agosto de 2008 - tejido con cuentas.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Estaba embarazada y aburrida, necesitaba un hobby para pasar el tiempo durante la noche. El punto consumía demasiado tiempo, pero la joyería parecía ser más eficiente en ese momento: pasar una noche - Obtener un nuevo collar para lucir en el trabajo al día siguiente:)
En ese momento, pensé que nunca iba a tratar de coser con aquellas pequeñas y horribles rocallas! Entonces, descubrí la página principal de FireMountainGems, y su galería de diseños. Bueno, esas pequeñas rocallas nunca mas me volvieron a parecer tan horribles. Me hice adicta a ellas de inmediato!
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
Smadar Grossman - Encontré su blog al principio de mi "carrera " como tejedora con cuentas. Ella me ha inspirado a iniciar los blogs, abrir una tienda Etsy, y, finalmente, a unirme al equipo de Etsy Beadweavers. Más tarde, me enteré de Sherri Serafini, Zoya Gutina y Tatiana Van Iten. Sus trabajos son fabulosos y muy inspiradores.
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Demasiadas para llamarlo "saludable". :) Hablando en serio, tengo dos hijos pequeños. Por lo general creo cuando se van a la cama por la noche, lo que me permite de 1 a 4 horas con las cuentas al día.
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Es un hobby. Y me gustaría mantenerlo de esta manera.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Me gusta hacer una variedad de artesanías tradicionales, pero el tejido con cuentas es mi favorito.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Casada, dos hijos, con carrera en ciencias. Me encanta la ciencia ficción y la fantasía, la naturaleza y la buena música. Disfruto de explorar nuevas culturas y conocer gente nueva.
Blog de Foxan http://mamma-foxan.blogspot.com/
Tienda de Foxan http://www.etsy.com/shop/MadeByOlga

Would you like to tell us your name?
Olga Vinnere Pettersson
How old are you?
What country are you born?
Latvia (former URSS)
Where do you live now?
When did you started with this hobby?
Spring 2008 - stringing, August 2008 - beadweaving.
How did you started?
Was pregnant and bored, needed a hobby to pass time during evenings. Knitting was too time-consuming, but making jewelry seemed to be more efficient at that time: spend an evening - get a new necklace to show off at work the next day :) At that time, I thought that I would never try sewing with those horrible tiny seedbeads! Then, I have discovered FiremountainGems homepage, and their gallery of designs. Well, those tiny seedbeads did not seem that horrible anymore. Got addicted to them immediately!
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
Smadar Grossman - I found her blog at the very beginning of my "career" as a beader. She has inspired me to start blogging, open an Etsy shop, and, finally, join Etsy Beadweavers Team. Later, I learnt about Sherri Serafini, Zoya Gutina and Tatiana Van Iten. Their work is fabulous and very inspiring.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
Too many to call it "healthy". :) Speaking seriously, I have two young kids. I usually bead when they go to bed at evenings, which would allow me 1-4 hours of beading a day.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
Hobby. And I would like to keep it this way.
What other hobbies do you have?
I enjoy making a variety of traditional crafts, but beadweaving is my absolute favorite.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
Married, two children, career in science. Love sci-fi and fantasy, nature and good music. Enjoy exploring new cultures and meeting new people.
Olga Vinnere Pettersson
How old are you?
What country are you born?
Latvia (former URSS)
Where do you live now?
When did you started with this hobby?
Spring 2008 - stringing, August 2008 - beadweaving.
How did you started?
Was pregnant and bored, needed a hobby to pass time during evenings. Knitting was too time-consuming, but making jewelry seemed to be more efficient at that time: spend an evening - get a new necklace to show off at work the next day :) At that time, I thought that I would never try sewing with those horrible tiny seedbeads! Then, I have discovered FiremountainGems homepage, and their gallery of designs. Well, those tiny seedbeads did not seem that horrible anymore. Got addicted to them immediately!
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
Smadar Grossman - I found her blog at the very beginning of my "career" as a beader. She has inspired me to start blogging, open an Etsy shop, and, finally, join Etsy Beadweavers Team. Later, I learnt about Sherri Serafini, Zoya Gutina and Tatiana Van Iten. Their work is fabulous and very inspiring.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
Too many to call it "healthy". :) Speaking seriously, I have two young kids. I usually bead when they go to bed at evenings, which would allow me 1-4 hours of beading a day.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
Hobby. And I would like to keep it this way.
What other hobbies do you have?
I enjoy making a variety of traditional crafts, but beadweaving is my absolute favorite.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
Married, two children, career in science. Love sci-fi and fantasy, nature and good music. Enjoy exploring new cultures and meeting new people.
9 comentarios:
felicidades por tu entrevista... me he dado cuenta que tenemos muchas cosas en comun en lo referente al tiempo de trabajo y a la manera de pensar sobre este hobie.
tus piezas son una maravilla...cuida tus manos , son un tesoro.
What a wonderful piece on you Olga! I love it!! You are such an interesting person and I love your art!!
Unas creaciones preciosas!!
A wonderful chance to get to know Olga a bit better. Beautiful representations of her work. Now I understand why she was confident my mold was pennecillium! Well-deserved recognition.
Thank you very much for this blog post, and for all your comments, bothe here and in my own blog.
Muchas gracias! :)
Olga is a very creative beader. Thanks for letting us get to know her a little better.
merci beaucoup pour cette très belle découverte
du beau talent !
Admiro muchísimo estas piezas, son verdaderas joyas!
Verdaderas joyas felicidades por tus trabajos.
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