Zuleykha es una mujer de Kazajistán de 30 años con residencia actual en Reino Unido.
Esta gran artista tiene un arte impresionante para la arcilla polimérica, pero eso no es todo, también hace sus pinitos con las cuentas, el punto de cruz y el bordado.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?Mi nombre es Zuleykha McMillan.
¿Cuántos años tienes?
Tengo 30 años.
¿País de nacimiento?
Nací en la URSS (para ser precisa en Kazakhstan, cuando todavía era parte de la URSS). Cuando tenía 13 años me mudé a Rusia y viví allí otros 11 años en una ciudad llamada Kazan.
¿País de residencia?
Ahora vivo en Newcastle upon Tyne, Reino Unido.
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Me compré un montón de arcilla para las navidades de 2008. Desde entonces mi adicción a la arcilla solo crece ms fuertemente.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Por casualidad me encontré fotos de algunas magníficas creaciones de arcilla polemérica en Internet. Me interesé en este medio y empecé a buscar más información sobre la arcilla polimérica. Encontré un gran número de sitios web dedicados a arcilla, tutoriales y galerías, y pasé medio año simplemente navegando y aprendiendo la teoría del arte de la arcilla polimérica, en realidad antes de comprar arcilla para mí. Empecé con la fabricación de algunos cilindros geométricos simples, a continuación, algunos cilindros de flores. La técnica de milflores fué la más emocionante para mí en ese momento.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
¡Es muy difícil elegir sólo tres nombres! Hay muchos mas artistas a los que me gustaría decir "gracias". Quiero agradecer a todos los que escriben sobre la arcilla polimérica, que comparten sus obras e ideas. Me gustaría mencionar Jael Thorp (de jaelsjewels) ya que sus hermosas obras de milflores en 3D me han fascinado desde el principio y me inspiró para buscar más arte sobre arcilla polimérica. Donna Kato es siempre una gran inspiración para mí, todo lo que haga en arcilla. Marcia (marsdesign en Etsy) con sus fantásticos cilindros de arcilla polimérica es una maestra, un referente en milflores para mí. También quiero dar las gracias a Edit Zoota por su sorprendente técnica técnica "play-doh".
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Estoy creando con arcillao haciendo algo relacionado prácticamente todas las noches 2 o 3 horas al día.
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Esto es sólo un hobby, por ahora. Desde que me convertí en miembro de un grupo de artesanos entusiastas llamado Newcastle Craft Mafia hace cerca de medio año, estoy de vez en cuando tratando de vender mis joyas y botones hechos a mano al público en nuestros mercados de artesanía.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Hacer cuentas y la escultura con arcilla polimérica es tan abrumadora, que se lleva todo mi tiempo y no me deja ni lugar y ni momento para cualquier otro pasatiempo.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Estoy casada con un hombre maravilloso, no tenemos hijos todavía, pero tenemos un hermoso conejo y un par de hámsters como mascotas. Mi trabajo diario es como profesora de química en la universidad local.
Galería de Zuleykha http://www.flickr.com/photos/26840663@N03/
Blog de Zuleykha http://zustitch.blogspot.com/
Blog de Zuleykha http://zuclay.blogspot.com/
Tienda de Zuleykha http://www.etsy.com/shop/Zuleykha
Blog de Zuleykha http://zustitch.blogspot.com/
Blog de Zuleykha http://zuclay.blogspot.com/
Tienda de Zuleykha http://www.etsy.com/shop/Zuleykha

Would you like to tell us your name?
My name is Zuleykha McMillan.
How old are you?
I am 30 years old.
What country are you born?
I was born in USSR (to be precise - in Kazakhstan, when it still has been a part of USSR). When I was 13 I moved to Russia and lived there for another 11 years in a city called Kazan.
Where do you live now?
Now I live in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
When did you start with this hobby?
I have bought myself a lot of clay for Christmas 2008. Since then my addiction to clay only grows stronger.
How did you start?
By accident I found pictures of some gorgeous polymer clay creations on Internet. I got interested in this media and I started searching for more information about polymer clay. I found a great number of clay-dedicated websites, tutorials and galleries, and I have spent half a year just browsing them and learning polymer clay art theoretically before actually buying clay for myself. I started with making some simple geometrical canes, then some flower canes. Millefiori was the most exiting technique for me at that time.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
It is so hard to choose only three names! There is a lot more artists I would like to say "thank you" to. I want to thank everyone who writes about polymer clay, who shares their works and ideas. I would like to mention Jael Thorp (from jaelsjewels) since her beautiful 3D millefiori works have fascinated me at the very start and inspired me to search for more polymer clay art. Donna Kato is always a great inspiration for me, whatever she does in clay. Marcia (marsdesign on Etsy) with her fantastic polymer clay canes is a master, a benchmark in millefiori for me. I also want to thank Edit Zoota for her amazing "play-doh" technique.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I am creating with clay or doing some hobby-related thing almost every evening two or three hours a day.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
This is just a hobby for now. Since I became a member of a group of enthusiastic crafters called Newcastle Craft Mafia about half a year ago, I am occasionally trying to sell my handmade jewellery and buttons to public on our craft markets.
What other hobbies do you have?
Making beads and sculpting with polymer clay is so overwhelming, that it takes all my time and does not leave place and time for any other hobbies.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I am married to a wonderful man, we don't have children yet, but we have a beautiful bunny and a couple of hamsters as pets. My day job is teaching chemistry at the local University.
My name is Zuleykha McMillan.
How old are you?
I am 30 years old.
What country are you born?
I was born in USSR (to be precise - in Kazakhstan, when it still has been a part of USSR). When I was 13 I moved to Russia and lived there for another 11 years in a city called Kazan.
Where do you live now?
Now I live in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
When did you start with this hobby?
I have bought myself a lot of clay for Christmas 2008. Since then my addiction to clay only grows stronger.
How did you start?
By accident I found pictures of some gorgeous polymer clay creations on Internet. I got interested in this media and I started searching for more information about polymer clay. I found a great number of clay-dedicated websites, tutorials and galleries, and I have spent half a year just browsing them and learning polymer clay art theoretically before actually buying clay for myself. I started with making some simple geometrical canes, then some flower canes. Millefiori was the most exiting technique for me at that time.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
It is so hard to choose only three names! There is a lot more artists I would like to say "thank you" to. I want to thank everyone who writes about polymer clay, who shares their works and ideas. I would like to mention Jael Thorp (from jaelsjewels) since her beautiful 3D millefiori works have fascinated me at the very start and inspired me to search for more polymer clay art. Donna Kato is always a great inspiration for me, whatever she does in clay. Marcia (marsdesign on Etsy) with her fantastic polymer clay canes is a master, a benchmark in millefiori for me. I also want to thank Edit Zoota for her amazing "play-doh" technique.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I am creating with clay or doing some hobby-related thing almost every evening two or three hours a day.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
This is just a hobby for now. Since I became a member of a group of enthusiastic crafters called Newcastle Craft Mafia about half a year ago, I am occasionally trying to sell my handmade jewellery and buttons to public on our craft markets.
What other hobbies do you have?
Making beads and sculpting with polymer clay is so overwhelming, that it takes all my time and does not leave place and time for any other hobbies.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I am married to a wonderful man, we don't have children yet, but we have a beautiful bunny and a couple of hamsters as pets. My day job is teaching chemistry at the local University.
4 comentarios:
flores y plantas que maravilla, me encanta
Hi Zu, glad to see you here! :))
I love your happy pieces, and hope to meet you again soon!
Es una artista increible que crece a pasos agigantados, super generosa y simpática.
He tenido el gusto de coincidir con ella en el Polymer Play Days y espero volver a coincidir pronto.
Beautiful, creative, and meticulous work. I enjoyed reading more about you.
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