Ali Turttle-Easton es la persona detrás de Inverted Aura, tiene 25 años y es americana.
Pasearse por las páginas de Inverted Aura es darte cuenta de la infinidad de cosas diferentes que pueden hacerse con unas simples anillas.
Pasearse por las páginas de Inverted Aura es darte cuenta de la infinidad de cosas diferentes que pueden hacerse con unas simples anillas.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?Mi nombre es Ali Tuttle-Easton (también conocida como Taytheer)
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿País de nacimiento?
¿País de residencia?
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
He hecho manualidades, ya sea una cosa u otra toda mi vida. Sólo las he estado vendiendo desde hace año y medio.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Tuve la oportunidad de empezar de nuevo gracias a un esposo maravilloso. Él me dejó comprar algunas cuentas y anillas. Como para cualquier artesano es sólo una forma de explorar.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
Un vendedor de cotas de malla de una feria, Stu Dempster y su hija Ann Dempster y CorvusRedcrow.
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Tantas como pueda soportar. Me encanta hacer joyas y otras cosas.
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Es mi trabajo. Es lo único que hago.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
La cota de malla, tejer, la costura, el punto de cruz, las cuentas, me gustaría introducirme en el metal y las arcillas poliméricas, el dibujo, el modelado, la pintura, etc.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Soy el tipo de chica que le gusta jugar con las manualidades. Juego a video juegos y veo Anime cuando no estoy trabajando haciendo cosas. Tengo 3 gatos locos que van de aqui para allá por casa todo el día. Una pequeña serpiente en mi dormitorio. Tengo un marido asombroso. Y espero que su inversión en mis joyas le haga sentirse orgulloso y contento de lo que hizo. Lo que hago va sobre diversión y juego o sobre hacer algo que viene de mi cabeza, mis manos y mi corazón, que cuando otros lo vean, se les transfiera a ellos algo de la pieza como lo hizo conmigo. Crear es una buena forma de pasar el día.
Galería de Inverted Aura
Tienda de Interved Aura
Tienda de Interved Aura

Would you like to tell us your name?
My name is Ali Tuttle-Easton (AKA Taytheer)
How old are you?
What country are you born?
Where do you live now?
When did you started with this hobby?
I have been crafting one thing or another all my life. I only been selling just over a year and a half now.
How did you started?
I was able to get started again due to a wonderfully loving husband. He let me buy some beads and split rings. As for any crafter its just kind of expolded.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
A Chainmaille seller at a ren fair, Stu Dempster and his sister Ann Dempster and CorvusRedcrow.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
As much as I can stand. I love making Jewelry and other things.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
It is my job. Its just what i do.
What other hobbies do you have?
Chainmailling, knitting, sewing, cross-stitch, beading, I want to get into metal and poly clays, drawing, models, painting, etc.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I'm a crafting game loving kinda girl. I play vidoe games and watch anime when Im not working making things. I have three crazy cats that bounce around the house all day. One little corn snake in my bedroom. I have an amazing husband. And i hope his investment in my jewelry makes him proud and glad he did it. Its really about the fun and joy or making something that came from my head, hands and heart that when other see it, it transfers to them and they feel something from the piece as much as I do. Creating is agreat way to spend the day.
My name is Ali Tuttle-Easton (AKA Taytheer)
How old are you?
What country are you born?
Where do you live now?
When did you started with this hobby?
I have been crafting one thing or another all my life. I only been selling just over a year and a half now.
How did you started?
I was able to get started again due to a wonderfully loving husband. He let me buy some beads and split rings. As for any crafter its just kind of expolded.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
A Chainmaille seller at a ren fair, Stu Dempster and his sister Ann Dempster and CorvusRedcrow.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
As much as I can stand. I love making Jewelry and other things.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
It is my job. Its just what i do.
What other hobbies do you have?
Chainmailling, knitting, sewing, cross-stitch, beading, I want to get into metal and poly clays, drawing, models, painting, etc.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I'm a crafting game loving kinda girl. I play vidoe games and watch anime when Im not working making things. I have three crazy cats that bounce around the house all day. One little corn snake in my bedroom. I have an amazing husband. And i hope his investment in my jewelry makes him proud and glad he did it. Its really about the fun and joy or making something that came from my head, hands and heart that when other see it, it transfers to them and they feel something from the piece as much as I do. Creating is agreat way to spend the day.
1 comentario:
todo precioso!!!
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