Cassandra Elizabeth tiene 24 años y es de Canada.
En su página podemos encontrar joyas muy originales, sobre todo con rocalla, y un apartado con tutoriales con bellos diseños.
Pero el trabajo de Cassandra no se limita a las joyas, no podéis perderos sus animalitos y sus cajas con cuentas.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
Cassandra Elizabeth McCarthy
¿Cuántos años tienes?
24, dentro de poco 25.
¿País de nacimiento?
¿País de residencia?
Vancouver, Canada
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Siempre he sido una ávida artesana y artista, pero nunca sentí que había encontrado mi medio hasta que empecé a tejer con cuentas.
Empecé a tejer con cuentas mientras estaba en la universidad, después de aprender a hacer punto. Tenemos inviernos cortos y suaves en Vancouver, así que nunca he tenido mucho tiempo para usar mis prendas de punto. En primavera estaba buscando algo nuevo que hacer. Mi mamá me sugirió las cuentas porque recordaba que me encantaba usar mi telar cuando era niña.
Decidí darle una oportunidad al tejido con cuentas, sobre todo porque me encontré con la idea de trabajar con diminutas rocallas que son realmente fascinantes y quería saber si podía aprender a hacerlo. Las cuentas realmente han apelado a mi punto de vista técnico y a mi interés por averiguar cómo se hacen las cosas.
Me quedé con las cuentas, porque me ayudan a relajarme - contar abalorios y repetir las puntadas es mi forma de meditación.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
Mi estilo es antiguo, nostálgico y romántico. Me siento atraida en gran medida por la época victoriana en busca de inspiración. Me gusta sobre todo el Art Nouveau, Artes y Oficios, y movimientos Pre-Rafaelitas.
Estoy muy influenciada por artistas gráficos y decorativos de la época victoriana, como Alphonse Mucha, William Morris y Aubrey Beardsley.
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
De 5 a 15 horas a la semana, ¡pero crearía con cuentas todo el día si pudiera!
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Veo a mi trabajo con cuentas como una pequeña empresa que espero se convierta en algo más. Soy una escritora técnica capacitada, así que combino mi creatividad, mis habilidades para escribir y para la ilustración para crear las instrucciones de mis proyectos con cuentas, que venden a través de mi blog. Un día, me encantaría tener la oportunidad de hacerlo a tiempo completo, ya sea escribiendo un libro por mi misma o trabajando como director técnico para ayudar a otros artesanos a crear libros.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Además de las cuentas, también me gusta trabajar con la tecnología, especialmente con los blogs, diseño web, pintura digital y fotografía digital.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Recientemente me he graduado en la Universidad con una licenciatura en Comunicación y Literatura Inglesa. Después de la universidad, trabajé en el Comité Olímpico de Vancouver, donde escribí manuales de capacitación y entrené al personal para utilizar equipos informáticos. La foto que he enviado en esta entrevista es de mí con la mascota olímpica Miga.
Blog de Cassandra Elisabeth
Galería de Cassandra Elisabeth

Would you like to tell us your name?
Cassandra Elizabeth McCarthy
How old are you?
24, turning 25 soon
What country are you born?
Where do you live now?
Vancouver, Canada
When did you started with this hobby?
How did you started?
I've always been an avid crafter and artist, but I never felt like I found my medium until I started bead weaving.
I started bead weaving while I was in university, after learning to knit. We have short, mild winters in Vancouver, so I never had much time to wear my knitting. By spring I was looking for something new to do. My mom suggested beading because she remembered that I loved using my bead loom when I was a kid.
I decided to give bead weaving a try, mainly because I found the idea of working with tiny seed beads really fascinating and wanted to know if I could learn how to do it. Beading really appealed to my technical side and my interest in figuring out how things are made.
I stuck with beading because the process helps me relax – counting beads and repeating stitches is my form of meditation.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
My style is antique, nostalgic and romantic. I draw heavily on the Victorian period for inspiration. I especially love the Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, and Pre-Raphealite movements. I’m very influenced by graphic and decorative artists of the Victorian period like Alphonse Mucha, William Morris and Aubrey Beardsley.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
5-15 hours a week, but I'd bead all day if I could!
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
I see my beading as a small business that I hope turns into something more. I'm a trained technical writer, so I combine my creativity, writing and illustrating skills to make instructions for my beading projects, which I sell through my blog. One day, I'd love to get the opportunity to do this full time, either writing a book myself or working as technical editor to help other crafters create books.
What other hobbies do you have?
In addition to beading, I also enjoy working with technology, especially blogging, web design, digital painting, and digital photography.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I recently graduated university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and English Literature. After university, I worked at the Vancouver Olympic Committee, where I wrote training manuals and trained staff to use computer equipment. The picture I sent in for this interview is of me with the Olympic mascot Miga.
Would you like to tell us your name?
Cassandra Elizabeth McCarthy
How old are you?
24, turning 25 soon
What country are you born?
Where do you live now?
Vancouver, Canada
When did you started with this hobby?
How did you started?
I've always been an avid crafter and artist, but I never felt like I found my medium until I started bead weaving.
I started bead weaving while I was in university, after learning to knit. We have short, mild winters in Vancouver, so I never had much time to wear my knitting. By spring I was looking for something new to do. My mom suggested beading because she remembered that I loved using my bead loom when I was a kid.
I decided to give bead weaving a try, mainly because I found the idea of working with tiny seed beads really fascinating and wanted to know if I could learn how to do it. Beading really appealed to my technical side and my interest in figuring out how things are made.
I stuck with beading because the process helps me relax – counting beads and repeating stitches is my form of meditation.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
My style is antique, nostalgic and romantic. I draw heavily on the Victorian period for inspiration. I especially love the Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, and Pre-Raphealite movements. I’m very influenced by graphic and decorative artists of the Victorian period like Alphonse Mucha, William Morris and Aubrey Beardsley.
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
5-15 hours a week, but I'd bead all day if I could!
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
I see my beading as a small business that I hope turns into something more. I'm a trained technical writer, so I combine my creativity, writing and illustrating skills to make instructions for my beading projects, which I sell through my blog. One day, I'd love to get the opportunity to do this full time, either writing a book myself or working as technical editor to help other crafters create books.
What other hobbies do you have?
In addition to beading, I also enjoy working with technology, especially blogging, web design, digital painting, and digital photography.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I recently graduated university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and English Literature. After university, I worked at the Vancouver Olympic Committee, where I wrote training manuals and trained staff to use computer equipment. The picture I sent in for this interview is of me with the Olympic mascot Miga.
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