De sus creaciones destacaríamos algo que suele ser común en las artistas húngaras, un original uso del color.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
Hola todos, soy Krisztina Hóka.
¿Cuántos años tienes?
Cumpliré 24 en Diciembre.
¿País de nacimiento?
Hungría, Europa.
¿País de residencia?
Budapest, Hungría.
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Comencé a crear con abalorios a finales de 2007 pero ya hacía joyas con cuentas incluso cuando era una niña.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Siempre he adorado ser creativa, así que mi madre me compró unos cuantos paquetes de rocallas e hice joyas simples para ella y para mi. De nuevo en 2007 tuve algo de tiempo libre y comencé a buscar en internet acerca de crear con abalorios y encontré piezas increibles. Descubrí las delicas y otros fantásticos tipos de abalorios y comencé a crear y practicar.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
La primera artista cuyo trabajo me fascinó fué Marie Géraud. También adoro el trabajo de algunas artistas hungaras, como Bánhalmi Andrea y Petróné Dóra (Ligia).
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Estoy muy ocupada con el trabajo y los estudios, así que todo lo que tengo son unas pocas horas los fines de semana y por las noches. Pero siempre trato de usar bien esas horas.
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Realmente me encantaría que esta fuera mi profesión, pero debería mejorar mucho para comenzar con ello.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Me encanta coser, leer, la música, las películas, las series e Internet.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Vivo en Budapest con mi novio en un adorable apartamento. Estudio filología portuguesa en la universidad y lo adoro. Me encanta viajar y visitar nuevos lugares, y planeo ver el mundo cuando termine mis estudios. Y ahora mismo lo que realmente quiero es aprender a conducir :)
Blog de Carmenesque http://carmenbead.blogspot.com/
Galería de Carmenesque http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoka/

Would you like to tell us your name?
Hello everyone, I'm Krisztina Hóka.
How old are you?
I will be 24 in December.
What country are you born?
Hungary, Europe
Where do you live now?
In Budapest, Hungary
When did you started with this hobby?
I started beadweaving at the end of 2007 but I made beaded jewelry even when I was a kid.
How did you started?
I always loved to be creative, so my Mum bought me a few packages of seed beads and I made simple jewelry for her and myself. Again in 2007 I had some free time and started to search the internet about beading and I found amazing beaded pieces. I discovered delica beads and other fantastic types and started creating and practising.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
The first artist whoseworks amazed me was Marie Géraud. I also love the work of some Hungarian artists, such as Bánhalmi Andrea and Petróné Dóra (Ligia).
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I'm very busy with work and school, so all I got is a few hours in the weekends or in the evenings. But I always try to use those hours well.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
I would really love this to be my job, but I should improve much more to get started with it.
What other hobbies do you have?
I love sewing, reading, music, movies, series, and internet.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I live in Budapest with my boyfriend in a lovely flat. I study Portuguese philology at a university and I adore it. I love travelling and visiting new places, and I plan to see the world after school is finished. And right now I really want to learn to drive :)
Would you like to tell us your name?
Hello everyone, I'm Krisztina Hóka.
How old are you?
I will be 24 in December.
What country are you born?
Hungary, Europe
Where do you live now?
In Budapest, Hungary
When did you started with this hobby?
I started beadweaving at the end of 2007 but I made beaded jewelry even when I was a kid.
How did you started?
I always loved to be creative, so my Mum bought me a few packages of seed beads and I made simple jewelry for her and myself. Again in 2007 I had some free time and started to search the internet about beading and I found amazing beaded pieces. I discovered delica beads and other fantastic types and started creating and practising.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
The first artist whoseworks amazed me was Marie Géraud. I also love the work of some Hungarian artists, such as Bánhalmi Andrea and Petróné Dóra (Ligia).
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I'm very busy with work and school, so all I got is a few hours in the weekends or in the evenings. But I always try to use those hours well.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
I would really love this to be my job, but I should improve much more to get started with it.
What other hobbies do you have?
I love sewing, reading, music, movies, series, and internet.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I live in Budapest with my boyfriend in a lovely flat. I study Portuguese philology at a university and I adore it. I love travelling and visiting new places, and I plan to see the world after school is finished. And right now I really want to learn to drive :)
2 comentarios:
De jó itt látni :)))
qué colorido tan increible!!!
Congrats, Carmenesque!
Gracias Beads, con estas entrevistas internacionales nos estáis transformando las neuronas!
Viva la fusión!
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