Cielo Design realiza collares espectaculares que te dejan con la boca abierta.
Muchas de sus creaciones nos recuerdan la naturaleza, quizá por sus colores o por sus formas florales, pero lo que seguro que es cierto es que cada una de ellas son dignas de estar en un museo.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
Me llamo Miriam Shimon
¿Cuántos años tienes?
Tengo 42 años.
¿País de nacimiento?
Nací y crecí en Dinamarca.
¿País de residencia?
Vivo en Israel.
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Cogí unos abalorios y una aguja por primera vez hace 2 años.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Siempre he disfrutado jugando con el arte, la pintura, la arcilla, la costura. Quería probar algo nuevo y vi una clase en una tienda de abalorios que parecía interesante. Desde la primera vez que empecé crear con abalorios simplemente me enamoré del proceso, de los colores y texturas y nunca miré atrás.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
Es difícil elegir sólo tres artistas, hay muchos artistas increíbles ahí fuera y todas inspiran. Si tengo que mencionar sólo tres, probablemente serían Carol Wilcox Wells, Cynthia Rutledge y Melanie Potter, ¡me encantan todos sus trabajos!
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Probablemente dedico entre 8 y 10 horas al día, dependiendo de cuanta inspiración tengo :).
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Comenzó como un pasatiempo, algo que hacer por diversión, pero con el tiempo se ha convertido en mi trabajo a jornada completa, ¡uno que me gusta enormemente! Recientemente he comenzado a impartir clases de creación con abalorios también así que todo lo que hago en estos días parece estar relacionadas con los abalorios.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Me encantan todas las cosas creativas así que cuando no estoy creando con abalorios, me gusta pintar, coser, jugar con arcilla polimérica, también tengo una gran pasión por la neurociencia y paso mucho tiempo leyendo artículos sobre ello.
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Simplemente soy una persona feliz que le gusta reír y jugar y explorar todo lo que este mundo tiene para ofrecer. Crear con abalorios ha sido el viaje más inspirador para descubrir mi interior de artista ¡y no puedo esperar para ver dónde más me va a llevar!
Galería de Cielo Design http://www.flickr.com/photos/cielodesign/
Tienda de Cielo Design http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5345913

Would you like to tell us your name?
My name is Miriam Shimon
How old are you?
I'm 42 years old
What country are you born?
I was born and raised in Denmark
Where do you live now?
I live in Israel
When did you started with this hobby?
I first picked up beads and a needle 2 years ago.
How did you started?
I have always enjoyed playing with art, painting, clay, sewing. I wanted to try something new and saw a class in a bead store that looked interesting. From the first time I started beading I simply fell in love with the process, the colors and textures and I never looked back.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
It is hard to choose only three artists, there are many amazing artists out there who are all very inspiring. If I have to mention only three, it would probably be Carol Wilcox Wells, Cynthia Rutledge and Melanie Potter, I love all their work!
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I probably dedicate 8-12 hours a day to beading, depending on how inspired I am! :)
Is beading more than your hobby? Is it your job?
It started out as a hobby, something to do for fun, but over time it has become my full time job, one I enjoy immensely! Recently I have started teaching beading classes as well so everything I do these days seem to be bead related.
What other hobbies do you have?
I love all things creative so when I'm not beading, I like to paint, sew, play with polymer clay, I also have a great passion for neuroscience and spend a lot of time reading articles about that.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I'm just a happy person who loves to laugh and play and explore everything this world has to offer. Beading has been the most inspirational journey of discovering the inner artist in me and I can't wait to see where else it will lead me!
My name is Miriam Shimon
How old are you?
I'm 42 years old
What country are you born?
I was born and raised in Denmark
Where do you live now?
I live in Israel
When did you started with this hobby?
I first picked up beads and a needle 2 years ago.
How did you started?
I have always enjoyed playing with art, painting, clay, sewing. I wanted to try something new and saw a class in a bead store that looked interesting. From the first time I started beading I simply fell in love with the process, the colors and textures and I never looked back.
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
It is hard to choose only three artists, there are many amazing artists out there who are all very inspiring. If I have to mention only three, it would probably be Carol Wilcox Wells, Cynthia Rutledge and Melanie Potter, I love all their work!
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
I probably dedicate 8-12 hours a day to beading, depending on how inspired I am! :)
Is beading more than your hobby? Is it your job?
It started out as a hobby, something to do for fun, but over time it has become my full time job, one I enjoy immensely! Recently I have started teaching beading classes as well so everything I do these days seem to be bead related.
What other hobbies do you have?
I love all things creative so when I'm not beading, I like to paint, sew, play with polymer clay, I also have a great passion for neuroscience and spend a lot of time reading articles about that.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I'm just a happy person who loves to laugh and play and explore everything this world has to offer. Beading has been the most inspirational journey of discovering the inner artist in me and I can't wait to see where else it will lead me!
4 comentarios:
Magnifique travail.
Merci de nousl'avoir fait connaitre
Nice interview!! I like your work!!
que maravillosa artista que manos mas grandiosas
Magnifique Travail, Sublime.
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