Y es que por un lado es impresionante el realismo que consigue esta artista y por otro lado es de lo mas original el convertir estas piezas en joyas.
Stéphanie solo tiene 23 años y lleva creando hace menos de 2, es imposible imaginar hasta donde puede llegar esta chica.
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿País de nacimiento?
Alemania en Frankfurt.
¿País de residencia?
Savigny-le-Temple, cerca de Paris.
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
En el verano de 2007.
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Estaba aburrida :D no encontraba un trabajo de verano aquel año y me fuí con mis padres durante 7 semanas. Al segundo día ya estaba aburrida y me busqué un nuevo hobby. Encontré las miniaturas y luego la comida en minuatura. ¡Toda mi infancia vino corriendo! ¡Solía hacer comida en miniatura con plastilina cuando era pequeña!
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
Emmaflam et Miniman http://www.emmaflam-miniman.com/
Betsy Niederer http://betsy-niederer-miniature-food-igma-fellow.com/shop/
Nunu's House http://moon.ap.teacup.com/koapin1225a/
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
Oh esta es un pregunta dificil porque tengo la intención de convertirlo en una forma de vida. Actualmente dedico alrededor de 3 días a la semana sólo a esculpir. Pero me lleva muchísimo tiempo mostrar mi trabajo, mantenerme activa en diferentes ambitos etc.
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
Bueno espero que sea mi trabajo :) Por lo menos lo será durante un año a partir de septiembre, cuando termine mis estudios de arquitectura.
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
Me gustan mucho las muñecas. Tengo una gran debilidad por las pequeñas Ball Jointed Dolls, como las de Puki Puki o Lati. Tengo una Puki lila y acabo de comprar una Lati blanca muy bonita. También tengo una Blythe que cambié por comida en minuatura, pero a pesar de que me gusta un montón, es un poco grande para mi :)
¿Quieres contarnos algo mas de tu vida?
Siempre he sido una niña muy astuta y muy interesada por el arte. No es de extrañar que llegando al final de mis estudios de arquitectura prefiera ser una miniaturista, esta es mi parte de insensata. Pero descubrí en las miniaturas una verdadera pasión, sólo vivo para ello actualmente y es realmente duro volver a mis estudios y terminar mi master porque no me preocupa.
Galería de SK http://www.flickr.com/photos/_sk
Blog de SK http://petitplatbysk.blogspot.com/
Web de SK http://petitplat.110mb.com/

Would you like to tell us your name?
How old are you?
What country are you born?
Germany in Frankfurt.
Where do you live now?
Savigny-le-Temple, near Paris
When did you started with this hobby?
In summer 2007
How did you started?
I was bored :D I didn't find a summer job this year and went to my parents during 7 weeks. I got bored the 2nd day and searched for a new hobby. I came accross miniatures and then miniature food. All my childhood ran back! I used to make miniature food out of normal clay when I was little!
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
Emmaflam et Miniman http://www.emmaflam-miniman.com/
Betsy Niederer http://betsy-niederer-miniature-food-igma-fellow.com/shop/
Nunu's House http://moon.ap.teacup.com/koapin1225a/
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
Oh that's a difficult question as I intend to make it a living. Right now I dedicate it about 3 days a week for sculpting only. But I take lots of time showing of my work, being active on different threads and so on.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
Well I hope it will be my job :)At least it will be during one year starting from september, when I finished my architecture studies.
What other hobbies do you have?
I like dolls pretty much. I have a big faible for tiny bjds, like puki puki's or lati's.I own a puki lily and just bought a lati white sp belle. I also own a Blythe, which I swapped against miniature food, but although I like her a lot, she's a bit too big for me :)
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I always have been a very crafty girl and very interested in art. It's not that surprising that arriving at the end of my architecture studies I would prefer being a miniaturist, also it's kind of insane.But I discovered in miniatures a real passion, I only live for it right now and it's really hard to get back to my studies and finish my master because I don't care about it.
What country are you born?
Germany in Frankfurt.
Where do you live now?
Savigny-le-Temple, near Paris
When did you started with this hobby?
In summer 2007
How did you started?
I was bored :D I didn't find a summer job this year and went to my parents during 7 weeks. I got bored the 2nd day and searched for a new hobby. I came accross miniatures and then miniature food. All my childhood ran back! I used to make miniature food out of normal clay when I was little!
Who are three artists who inspire you the most?
Emmaflam et Miniman http://www.emmaflam-miniman.com/
Betsy Niederer http://betsy-niederer-miniature-food-igma-fellow.com/shop/
Nunu's House http://moon.ap.teacup.com/koapin1225a/
How many hours a week do you dedicate to this hobby?
Oh that's a difficult question as I intend to make it a living. Right now I dedicate it about 3 days a week for sculpting only. But I take lots of time showing of my work, being active on different threads and so on.
Is this more than your hobby? Is it your job?
Well I hope it will be my job :)At least it will be during one year starting from september, when I finished my architecture studies.
What other hobbies do you have?
I like dolls pretty much. I have a big faible for tiny bjds, like puki puki's or lati's.I own a puki lily and just bought a lati white sp belle. I also own a Blythe, which I swapped against miniature food, but although I like her a lot, she's a bit too big for me :)
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about you?
I always have been a very crafty girl and very interested in art. It's not that surprising that arriving at the end of my architecture studies I would prefer being a miniaturist, also it's kind of insane.But I discovered in miniatures a real passion, I only live for it right now and it's really hard to get back to my studies and finish my master because I don't care about it.
5 comentarios:
Stéphanies work is simply stunning! :)
Es increible el talento que tiene, yo cada día me quedo más alucinada con sus piezas.
Es una gran artísta!
Felicidades ! un trabajo excelente.
Sublimes ! a croquer !
C'est d'un détail !!
Una artista de los pies a la cabeza.
Sus creaciones me tienen enganchadísima!
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